Stratigraphy and Basin Analysis

Since the beginning of the petroleum industry, stratigraphy has been essential to understand the sedimentary processes through a range of scales, from reservoirs and their depositional architecture to basin filling.


The Uniformitarian Principle - in other words, sedimentary processes observed in the present are similar to those processes in the past - can be applied to their understanding; in addition of being a highly predictive tool.


With only a few exceptions, almost all hydrocarbons are generated or trapped in sedimentary rocks.  Establishing their temporal and spatial relationship is essential to properly identify and quantify oil and gas accumulations.


The stratigraphic analysis includes a wide spectrum of time and spatial scales, ranging from the identification of sedimentological characteristics, facies and associated processes in outcrops, well log characterization, and the interpretation of bounding stratigraphic surfaces in a reservoir and interpretation of the elements of system tracts and depositional sequences up to the infill of a basin.


In this context, not only a correct stratigraphic description and interpretation is essential, but also to accurately assess the main variables that control the process through sedimentary flow simulations and S2S (source to sink) modeling, involving not only sedimentary deposits but also their source.


At each scale, identification and understanding of sedimentary processes allows predicting what might occur beyond the sampling point or time interval under analysis. Such predictability transforms stratigraphy, from grain scale to basin analysis, into a key tool both for analyzing new exploration ventures as well as development optimization.





  • Depositional systems and sequence stratigraphy of non-marine clastics, shallow marine clastics and deep marine clastics.
  • Depositional systems and sequence stratigraphy of marine carbonates, lacustrine carbonates and evaporites.
  • Characterization of reservoir facies and siliciclastic and carbonate analogs
  • Characterization of source rock facies and shale/tight reservoirs
  • Sedimentology and gas sequestration
  • Dynamic stratigraphy and S2S analysis
  • Mechanisms of sedimentary basin filling and modeling


Reference Team:


Muriel Miller

Mariano Ragazzi, Pluspetrol

Alfonso Mosquera, Tecpetrol

Ricardo Domínguez, YPF

Facundo Pagan, YPF

Verónica Hammar, YPF

David Guerberoff, YPF

Josep Bernaus, Equinor

Ernesto Schwarz , UNLP


Pedro Kress


Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas

Maipú 639 (C1006ACG) - Tel: (54 11) 5277 IAPG (4274)

Buenos Aires - Argentina

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