Pre-Congress Short Courses

As part of #CONEXPLO22, the Organizing Committee have selected pre-congress short courses with a duration of 1 to 2 days. These courses are aimed at complementing the technical sessions and symposia, giving to #CONEXPLO22 attendees the opportunity to update their knowledge on current, high-impact topics for our industry.


These are the workshops offered:


Alejandro Bande

Tecpetrol S.A.

1- From source rock to unconventional reservoir

Instructor: Ricardo Veiga (Tecpetrol)


The purpose of this course is to provide tools to evaluate the unconventional potential of a source rock, when there are limited geochemistry and well log database.


Date: November 7-8, 2022

Venue: Hotel Casino Cóndor de los Andes


Fee:   U$S 600 Members  |  U$S 720 Non Members


2-  Integrated analysis of virtual outcrops: Reservoir analogues to improve the subsurface interpretations.*

Instructors: Leandro D´Elia (CONICET-UNLP); Andrés Bilmes (CONICET); Aldo O. Montagna (YPF S.A.); Ramiro G. López - (YPF S.A.)


This course presents the method and scope of the integrated virtual outcrop analysis (virtual outcrops + traditional field and laboratory methods) to validate the subsurface conceptual models and the determination of geostatistical parameters for reservoir geological modeling.


Date: November 8, 2022

Venue: : Hotel Casino Cóndor de los Andes


Fee:   U$S 420 Members  |  U$S 500 Non Members


*Important: practical activities involve the use of notebooks and the installation of the Virtual Reality Geological Studio (VRGS®) software, that will be provided prior to the development of the course. It is required that attendees bring their personal notebooks. Please be aware that if the notebook is a corporate one, you will probably need to previously request "IT" "ITD" permission to install software.


The minimum requirements of the computers for the operation of VRGS® are: Windows 8 /10, 8 Gigabytes Ram, Graphic card that supports OpenGL 4.3 (similar or superior NVidia GeForce 1GB dedicated card is recommended).



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Instituto Argentino del Petróleo y del Gas

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